Commander Masters: A Set Ripe with Reprints

Commander Masters is almost here and the spoilers so far have been *chefs kiss* amazing. Commander Masters is meant to be a reprint set with very few new cards to speak of. This is a good thing because in commander you can use pretty much any cards across time (unless they are banned) to play with, which means that there are some cards that are extremely powerful but also super expensive. Many of these expensive, low print cards are in desperate need of a reprint and that's where we are hoping this set will shine. Let’s take a look at some of the hottest reprints we have seen so far.

Who Needs Luck When You Have Tutors?

Tutors are some of the most powerful spells in Commander and can take your deck to the next level in terms of power. Being able to search for an instant or sorcery of 2 mana value or less is extremely valuable in any deck that runs cheap spells, making Spellseeker a great reprint.

Spellseeker-Commander Masters


Speaking of tutors, Demonic Tutor is a major reprint that we have needed for a long time. While it was printed in Strixhaven it was only an insert and was pretty hard to open and even harder to get if you wanted the Japanese version. This is one of the most powerful tutors ever printed and at 2 mana you can set yourself up to go off early by searching for any card in your library. 

Demonic Tutor-Commander Masters



I think the most important reprints we have seen are the Free Spell Cycle from the Commander 2020 decks. The only way to get these cards was to purchase the decks which makes these singles pretty expensive. All of these spells are super playable in any deck and I wouldn’t be caught playing a deck without them.

Deadly Rollick-Commander Masters


 Deflecting Swat-Commander Masters

 Fierce Guardianship-Commander Masters

 Obscuring Haze-Commander Masters

 Flawless Maneuver-Commander Masters

Smothering Tithe was a card that nobody paid attention to when it originally came out in Ravnica Allegiance. It wasn’t being played in standard or modern at the time so nobody thought much about it. Not long after, it became a major staple for white. This is a great taxing card in any white deck and will cause a lot of heartache for the people in your pod. This card had 1 recent reprint in Double Masters 2022 but is still holding some major value at $20. This reprint will not only bring some great art to the format but will also allow it to be more attainable for casual players. 

 Smothering Tithe-Commander Masters

A creature tutor that can pump your whole board is great in any creature-heavy green deck. Finale of Devastation has been sitting at $50 for far too long. With zero reprints since its release in War of the Spark, the community has been begging for a more accessible version of this card. The new borderless art is coming in at about $45 for presale but we have seen the regular copy drop down to $30 so hopefully we will continue to see it drop.

 Finale of Devastation-Commander Masters


Some honorable mentions are: 

  • Doubling Season
  • The Great Henge
  • Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
  • Imps Mischief
  • Avacyn, Angel of Hope


Looking for Magic Product? We Got it Covered!

There are more spoilers to come in the next few weeks and we are excited to see what they have come up with to juice up the set. 

If you would like to order any of these cards or boxes go and check out the Internets Local Game Store - Darkside Games Las Vegas. We carry all the MTG singles and sealed products you could ever want. Use the code Darkside10 for an extra 10% off at checkout. 

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